Created in May 2009, BLACK OUT is of punk/pop/alternative music inspiration. The work calls upon three musicians: singer Dominique Pétrin, from the 90s group Les Georges Leningrad, DJ Martin Tétrault and bass player Michel Meunier. Paired with choreographer Dana Gingras, whose work has always been intimately linked to music, these artists bring out the spirit of rock.
Dancer Karina Iraola, her presence between dance, photography and theatre, inhabits a constructed, artificial space. The project lives between visual art, dance and concert.
Premiere: May 27, 2009, studio presentation at De Studio (Montréal)
CreditsConception and artistic direction
Lynda GaudreauDeveloped in collaboration with
Dana GingrasAssisted by
Clara FureyMovement materiel developed with
Karina IraolaComposition and musical direction
Martin TétreaultMusic developed with
Dominique PétrinWith the participation of guitarist
Michel MeunierPerformers
Dana Gingras, Karina Iraola, Michel Meunier, Dominique Pétrin, Martin TétreaultSpecial thanks to Sarah Doucet and Michel Langevin, who were part of the initial project research, and thank you to visual artists Alexandre David and Yann Pocreau
Sound engineer
Anne-Françoise JacquesCostumes
Bernard TessierAccessories (guitars)
Dominique PétrinCompagnie De Brune wishes to thank the Maison de la culture Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc Extension (Montréal, Canada), la Maison de la culture Frontenac (Montréal, Canada), Tangente (Montréal, Canada), O Vertigo | The Creation Centre (Montréal, Canada) for the residencies.