Research-Labo DOCUMENT 4, Munich
Realized within the framework of the project "Choreographer in residence" organized by Joint Adventures in collaboration with the City of Munich, Research-Labo DOCUMENT 4, Munich is the second public laboratory on DOCUMENT 4, the fourth installment of the Encyclopdia series.
For this event, Lynda Gaudreau has brought together four artists of different backgrounds Ruth Geiersberger, Sabine Glenz, Ludger Orlok, and Chiang-Mei Wang with the additional collaboration of turntablist Martin Tétreault and stage designer and lighting engineer Lucie Bazzo.
This is, above all, a laboratory of which the shape and content remain uncertain. Desire, intention, confusion, contradiction and failure are the central points of this project. During three short periods, the artists try to work together. What does each feel like sharing with the others? Which parts of themselves do they want to show? Is the encounter really possible?
CreditsPublic presentations: July 7, 8 and 9, 2004, Muffathalle (Munich, Germany)
Artistic Direction
Lynda GaudreauText and Choreography
Ruth Geiersberger, Sabine Glenz, Ludger Orlok, Chiang-Mei WangStage and Light Design
Lucie BazzoComposition for turntables
Martin TétreaultDramaturgy
Susanne TraubA coproduction of Joint Adventures (Munich, Germany) partnering with the City of Munich cultural office, performing arts department, and the Compagnie De Brune, with support of the Bavarian Association for Contemporary Dance (by means of the Bavarian State Ministry of Culture), the Embassy of Canada in Berlin, the Bureau du Québec in Munich and the Canada Council for the Arts.