A choreographic project / un projet chorégraphique / een choreografisch project (2007)
A trilingual booklet (English-French-Dutch) that includes a CD of compositions by DJ Martin Tétreault.
ISBN 978-2-9809778-0-0
120 pages, with audio CD (19 tracks / 72 min)This publication represents a continuation of the last chapter of Encyclopœdia, a four-part choreographic series developed by Lynda Gaudreau between 1999 and 2005. “The Encyclopœdia project consists of bringing together, in an extra-ordinary way, works and artists in time and space, she says. For the duration of the event they will interact, converging within my own work.”
DOCUMENT 4 gathered nine artists working in dance, theatre and music. It contains texts written by the artists, visual material, illustrations of the turntable scores composed by Martin Tétreault for the project, and an audio CD, entitled Sound Data, that documents the development of this remarkable musical composition.
Excerpts of the composition for turn-tables of Martin Tétreault
QuickTime is required to hear the excerpts
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Also available through the Compagnie De Brune. 25.00 CAD (+ shipping & handling).
Lynda Gaudreau, Bojana CvejicGraphic design
Giannina Urmeneta OttikerCoordination
Pierre TanguayTexts
Bojana Cvejic, Lynda Gaudreau, Mårten Spångberg, Martin TétreaultTraductions
Gerrie Doche, Stien Michiels, Jeffrey Moore, Colette TougasAdditional support proofreading
Mélanie Bergeron, Darcy Dunton, Mary Eggermont-Molenaar, Stien Michiels, Olivier Reguin, Anne Viau, Andros Zins-BrowneThis publication was co-produced by the Arts Centre Vooruit (Ghent, Belgium), Dans in Kortrijk (Courtrai, Belgium) and Compagnie De Brune.
The Compagnie De Brune would like to thank the Conseil des arts de Montréal for the special project grant and wishes to acknowledge the vital role played by this institution in the development of Montreals artistic life in the last fifty years. The company also thanks Montreals Society for Arts and Technology for hosting the launch of this publication on January 29, 2007