Guided by curator Marie Fraser, students in the course “Organising an exhibit” offered by the Art History Department of the Université du Québec à Montréal, invited visual artists, choreographers, dancers and musicians to be part of De Studio’s — Lynda Gaudreau’s experimental studio — opening.

To be “spaced out”, to be disoriented, not connected, lost.

SPACE OUT offers an immersive experience where dance, installation, sculpture and soundscape mingle in a vaporous environment. Fed by reminiscence, the visitor is invited to wander in the space and to create his or her own dialogue with the works. Playing on notions of appearing and disappearing, the exhibit is a complete and organic universe, echoing the human body.

Exhibition, 3 and 6 minute choreographic and musical capsules from December 3 to 6, 2009, exhibit opening and studio inauguration December 3, De Studio, Montréal

With visual artists:
Magali Babin, Patrick Coutu, Karilee Fuglem, Manon De Pauw

With the participation of choreographers and dancers:
Dany Desjardins and Anne Thériault, Geneviève Gagné and Emily Honegger, Chantal Lamirande

And musicians:
Les Ghost’s of Ghazals, Léopard Et Moi, Sally Paradise, Indiensoci


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