Activities - Fostering Creation - Mentorship
Clash 2006-2010
Clash. An unusual encounter. A choc, a confrontation, an accident. A space where answers are unknown, where reflection on dance and dance practice are not separate. A space to encourage risk-taking, questioning, deepening and a renewal of the artistic form.
Conceived by Lynda Gaudreau and produced in partnership with Tangente, Clash is dedicated to artists and different actors who wish to renew their perspective on dance practices and working models. The project is continually searching for ideas and methods, adhering to specific values: critical thought, intellectual rigour, detachment, engagement, risk-taking, trusting error, clarity, curiosity, play and collaboration.
Clash was held annually over three years in Montréal, with satellite versions in Salvador, Brazil with masters students in dance, as well as at the Dance Centre in Vancouver.
Artists are in desperate need of exchange, reflection, and sharing with other artists. Clash is a pilot project, an attempt to answer this necessity with a structure that will allow us to assemble a number of people ready to ask themselves questions about current-day practice and to invest a given amount of time on a singular issue. It is the essence of research with actual risk-taking. I am talking about a creative practice that questions contemporary production and that attempts to think the world differently.
Lynda Gaudreau
First Edition 2006-2007Three residencies comprised the first edition of Clash: one in the fall of 2006, one in the winter of 2007 and a third in the summer of 2007, each one punctuated by showings. Choreographers Karine Denault, Dana Gingras, k.g. Guttman, Ame Henderson, Line Nault and Katie Ward and dancers Sarah Doucet and Kate Holden had the opportunity to work in an innovative framework based on collaboration and resource-sharing. Several guests from different milieus (visual artists, art historians and critics) joined the artists to feed the exchanges and research.
Satellite Edition in Brazil 2006Following the end of the first Clash residency in October 2006, Clash travelled to Brazil in November. Invited by Fabiana Dultra Britto and the Universidade Federal da Bahia, Lynda Gaudreau went to Salvador to conduct a research laboratory entitled CLASH / satelite 1: Br. This four-day event reunited participants from various parts of the country: masters degree dance students, teachers and guest scholars from various fields (epistemology, linguistics, systems theory, astrophysics). This event fostered a space for reflection and collaboration on the idea of the coherence and logical systems in choreography.
Second Edition 2007-2008For its second edition, Clash hosted choreographers Anne Thériault, Nicolas Cantin, Normand Marcy and Frédérick Gravel. During the three residencies at Tangente, which took place in September 2007, February 2008 and May 2008, the choreographers developed choreographic material with the participation of six dance students, involved through the Université du Québec à Montréals Dance Department. A series of meetings with nineteen visual artists, critics, curators and theorists from Montreal also enriched the project.
Marie-Joëlle Hadd, Andrée-Anne Rathé, Sarah Dell'ava, Jade Maquis, Mélina Lalande, Gauthier, Luce Boily Minville.The company wishes to thank the artists, critics, curators and scholars that participated in the process: Emmanuelle Léonard, Nathalie Bujold, Pascal Grandmaison, Patrice Duhamel, Serge Murphy, Yan Giguère, Alexandre David, Carlos and Jason Sanchez, Mathieu Beauséjour, Philip Szporer, Marie-Josée Jean, Sonia Pelletier, Bernard Schütze, Marie Fraser, Anne-Marie Ninacs, Patrice Loubier, Vincent Lavoie and John Zeppetelli.
Third Edition 2008-2009A first residency in September 2008 hosted choreographers Antonija Livingstone, Caroline Dubois, Monique Romeiko and Jana Unmussig and dancer Magali Stoll. A second residency in March 2009 hosted choreographer Antonija Livingstone and dancers k.g. Guttman and Elizabeth Ward, along with collaborator Caroline Dubois. In May 2009, for the last residency, Lynda Gaudreau gave carte blanche to choreographers Anne Thériault, Normand Marcy and George Stamos, who presented short stage works in May 2009.
Satellite Edition in Vancouver 2010Invited by the The Dance Centre, Lynda Gaudreau went to Vancouver in June 2010 to host a Clash event with artists Jennifer Clarke, Claire French, Julie Lebel, Caroline Liffmann, Daelik and Jennifer Mascall.